I am an immigrant and live in the Moria camp with my mother. Sadly the conditions in the camp are very bad and hard even for a short time. A lot of immigrants in this camp have diseases which need to be treated soon. I am a young girl and my mother is sick and needs to be treated. In this camp nobody is helped or cared for and not even questions answered because the camp is overcapacity. The conditions in the tents and the surroundings are very bad. Its unsanitary and diseases everywhere in the tents and the surroundings, and the high number of immigrants and inadequate management has made the situation worse. Therefore, I plead for anyone who has the chance to help the immigrants in Moria, to help as soon as possible to free us from here, to stand for us. I wish for the day where no one has to leave their home to flee somewhere else.
Dear girl,
Thank you for your letter. it is truly heartbreaking to read. Refugees who fled war, living in those terrible unsanitary conditions.
Your plea is very clear. I am so sorry that I can do little to help. I wish I could free you from that horrible place.
I support some volunteer groups working on Lesvos, who bring clothes, help building, organise education etc. If you feel like it, you can join such a group. They always need resilient people. You could learn skills by helping others or joining activivities in one of their centres. (The Hope centre, One Happy Family, Because we carry, Connect by music, Refugym, Movement on the ground)
I hope we can change the asylum system in the Netherlands and in all of Europe.
Hopefully soon the EU will take its responsability.
I hope that you can hold on. Keep courage!
I pray your mother may be cured.
My warmest regards to you,