Dear F.,
My english is not as good as yours, but I want to try to write you some words. I am very happy that you are alright and that you can see all the nice things of Greece. It’s strange that you get such bad food, I can imagine that this is really a problem after 6 months. I hope that you can cook your own food at this time. I hope that you will leave Leros very soon. You deserve a life in freedom and peace and with good facilities.
Good luck,
Dear F,
Great that you are such a positive thinker! This makes even the hard things bearable. I hope you can leave Leros soon and that you can practice your hobbies and focus on your future.
You have valuable skills that will be usefull to you and the community where you will live.
Remain positive, keep courage!
Love from the NL,
Dear F.,
My english is not as good as yours, but I want to try to write you some words. I am very happy that you are alright and that you can see all the nice things of Greece. It’s strange that you get such bad food, I can imagine that this is really a problem after 6 months. I hope that you can cook your own food at this time. I hope that you will leave Leros very soon. You deserve a life in freedom and peace and with good facilities.
Good luck,
Dear F,
Great that you are such a positive thinker! This makes even the hard things bearable. I hope you can leave Leros soon and that you can practice your hobbies and focus on your future.
You have valuable skills that will be usefull to you and the community where you will live.
Remain positive, keep courage!
Love from the NL,