Dear reader,
I am from Congolese nationality.
My name is H.
I arrived in Samos on the 25 th of August 2018.
I live at the camp. I live in bad conditions.
I sleep around snakes since I am here.
I have been asking for a doctor’s appointment with no success. I was supposed to have an asylum interview since the 16 th but I have seen no sign of it up until today. The Greek administration doesn’t work well at all. Please help the 1000 letters association, I am tired of the life in Samos.
Please help me.
Waar is de flessenpost gevonden
Kenmerken: Frans, Samos
Dear H.
You must have a hard life in Samos. I am very sorry to hear. I cannot imagine how it must be sleeping with snakes next to you..
This week I heard someone from our government went to Samos to see how the situation is. I hope he or she is in shock and take some action.
I hope you can stay strong. Keep your eyes focused on the future. It will get better.
I pray for you and the other refugees. You are not forgotten. In our church we pray for you and send money to build a safe place for pregnant women and their babies.
I wish you all the best. Big hug from