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  1. Emma van den Hof

    Hi Y,
    I got this letter and I am very pleased to meet you. I hope you’re doing allright these days. It is awful to hear that you are living in a horrible camp. I would totally give you a hug if I saw you.

    Let me tell something about myself. My name is Emma, and I am 16 years old and I live in The Netherlands. I am in a study that relates to journalism. I really wish that you will be able to study again in a while too.

    Best wishes,

  2. Saskua

    Hello Y,
    I am a Dutch woman, 60 yrs old.
    I hope that your situation has improved since you wrote this letter. I am so sorry you and other refugees are treated in this inhumane way. It must be very hard. Hold on to your dream, to study again. Better days will arrive surely, in the meantime try to stay as positive as you can!
    You have your life ahead of you and you will definately will know happy times in the future. I hope soon, dear Y.
    Stay strong,

  3. Jos Santen

    Dear, I feel so sorry for all your misery in your current life! If I would live in Greece, I would try to come over to you to give you both material and personal support. But I live far away in Holland, on the other side of Europe. I have recently given money to refugee aid organisaitions that are active in Greece. Hopefully, you directly profit from it. Frequently, I feel a little sad because of the huge inequality in Europe of which you are a random victim. Most of all, I hope the Greek authorities will soon give you a license for travelling further to any European country which provides sustainable shelter for you for good! My heart is with you!

    Big hug,
    Mr Jos Santen

  4. Roos van Wingerden

    Dear Y,
    How are you doing? I feel very sorry for you that you have to live in these circumstances. I hope so very much that there will be a solution soon and that you can start with your study again. I ligt a candle for you.
    Warm regards and a big hug,

  5. Thea

    Hello Y,
    I’ve been reading your letter about your longing for a good future and the possibility to finish your studies in the future. I wish to you that what you long for will one day be reality.
    Kind regards,

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