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  1. Saskia

    Dear M,
    I read your letter and it makes me very sad and also very angry.
    A boy like you should be helped,
    You should be safely with your sister in England and get treatment for your astma. You should be able to go to school and be helped with your bad memories of the past.
    I hope you will be strong till things get better. I hope they have improved already since you wrote your letter. I wish you can travel to England very soon. You deserve it. Try to keep believing .
    All my best wishes to you, dear young man

  2. HvW

    Hello young man from Syria,

    Two months you are in the camp alreasy. That will not be not easy for you. I am sorry for you. And you were not in a safe place in Syria. How sad.
    I wish for you that you will be living in safety soon.
    I sometimes feel powerless, because I cannot do so much. Just writing this letter and tell you, that you are not forgotten.
    Stay strong. For yourself, for your sister. I wish you hope and strength.

    Warm greetings,

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