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  1. Pauline Tazelaar

    Dear letter-writer,
    My name is Pauline Tazelaar, from the Netherlands. Thanks for your letter, which I got (in a glass bottle) as a present at a meeting. I was at this meeting with a lot of other people who all are very concerned about the living conditions of the refugees and migrants in Europe. All these people have taken action in some way or another to help the refugees. Me too: every week I stand for 30-45 minutes in front of the building of our Parliament showing a board saying: “Politicians, please put an end to the humanitarian crisis on the Greek islands!” I very much hope that the efforts of all the people who help the refugees (in very different ways) and my own demonstration, will help to improve the conditions and prospects of the refugees in Europe. I wish you a good future, in safety.
    Warm regards,
    Pauline Tazelaar

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