Hi, I’m on Samos Island. In this camp of Samos a lot of people are facing problems and 5000 people live here. Newcomers to the island will not be noticed and live in a tent in the hot summer. Also there are a lot of rats, flies and insects in the tents and this camp is very dirty. Our situation is so bad, we need your help here.
Waar is de flessenpost gevonden
Kenmerken: Farsi, Samos
I feel very sad about your situation in the camp and i am very worried because I ‘ve heard about the fire and the fightings in the camp some weeks ago. It’s very bad that Europe and the countries don’t act to chamge the situation.
Please hold on, stay strong en keep hope. There will come a better time for you. I will pray and share your story, that’s what i can do.
With love,