ik heb drie kinderen en ze werden alledrie ziek. We hebben veel problemen. Onze situatie in dit kamp is heel slecht. Ik vraag u ons voor de winter uit dit kamp te halen. Niemand werkt aan onze asiel-aanvraag. We hebben in Iran veel problemen gehad. We zijn Afghaanse vluchtelingen.
Waar is de flessenpost gevonden
Kenmerken: Farsi, Samos
On tv I saw a report about the very bad situation in the camps. That is how I wanted to know direct from people who live in a camp. Thank you for your letter. I tried to imagine how it must have been, travelling with children from Afghanistan through Iran to Europe. Just for that you should be awarded with a safe place with healthy conditions for you and your children. I understand that to be there with children who are ill must be very hard. I do hope that sharing information about your situation will lead to a public understanding that things must change. First in your camp and second in the way European countries will take you from there and help you further to get you a safe home.
The more people are aware of your situation, the more hope that this will change for the better.
Meanwhile I wish you all the strength you will need.
Respect and love from Holland,