Mijn naam is S. K.. Ik was een student in Pakistan. Ik was verliefd op een meisje uit mijn school en dat meisje was ook verliefd op mij. Maar haar vader was heel streng. Toen hij erachter kwam dat wij verliefd op elkaar zijn, had hij zijn dochter vermoord en hij wilde mij ook vermoorden maar ik ben gevlucht. Ik ben hier gekomen zodat ik veiligheid krijg.
We hebben hier geen tolk en we kunnen ook niet naar dokter omdat ze geen tolk hebben. Ik ben heel erg ziek en heb heel erg pijn.
Ik verzoek jullie om mij te helpen.
My name is S.K. I belong to Pakistan. I was a student back in Pakistan . I was in love with a girl in Pakistan. When the father of the girl came to know about our love, he killed the girl and he tried to kill me as well . I ran away and came here ; her father would have not let me live in Pakistan. Now I want protection here but we don’t even have a pakistani translator here in order to translate our letters. Here they are not even letting us go nor they treat our diseases if we are ill. I have nose sickness and we have no doctor here and I have a lot of pain. please help me.
Dear S.K.,
How horrible that the girl you were in love with got murdered by her father. And how awefull that you had to leave your home, your family and your country for safety. I have heard about the terrible conditions on Samos, I have worked in Moria on Lesbos, but believe the situation in Samos is worse. I really hope the situation will change soon! I can’t imagine how horrible it is to live there. I will pray for you and also for your health, that is what I can do for now. Know that you are not forgotten. I hope there will be a change for the better in your live very soon!