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  1. christine

    Dear writer,
    I am glad that I read your letter. Now I can send you a letter back. So I can give you the message that you are not forgotten.
    In Holland a lot of people try to change the situation in Samos. In our church we pray for you all and we collected money for a special place for pregnant women and their babies.
    Meanwhile we sned letters to our government to show them how terrible the situation is in the camps in Greece.

    I hope you can stay strong and focus on the future, it will get better!
    Wish you love and hope.


  2. Juliet Dekker

    Dear Marhaba,
    I’m Juliet from the Netherlands and I am 13 years old.
    Your story made me almost cry. I feel so sorry for you. The most important thing is to stay praying.
    Keep hoping for better days, stay strong and I will pray for you every day!
    You sound so kind, smart and sweet. And I know, one day, your light will break through. I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!

    Love, from me (Juliet)

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