Wij zijn een gezin van drie uit Afghanistan en we wonen een maand op eiland Samos in Griekenland.
We kochten een tent en we wonen in het bos. Er zijn veel ratten om ons heen en het is vies. We maken ons zorgen over onze toekomst.
Waar is de flessenpost gevonden
Kenmerken: Farsi, Samos
Hello faraway family of three.
I found your letter, written in a beautifull handwriting. I wish I was able to write in the same language, but i can not. Therefore i choose a language in wish i am able to write and hopefully it is understandable for you.
I just try to visualise what you are going through. I am very afraid of rats. I despice them. And want to stay away from them as far as possible. In your case , the rats might come anyway. Not as a pet, but as an introder.
You wrote : the place is very dirty. It must be very difficult to live at such a place. Not like you want to live if you had the opportunity to live according to your own wishes or what you have been used to, before you came to Samos.
Samos, a Greec island in the Mediteranean. Just the idea of how you might have reached this beautiful island gives me the creeps. An island means surrounded by water.
I am happy i found your letter in a flask. Thanks and i wish you a good future.