Hi all the whole world,
My name is P. I am a refugee living in the camp of Samos in Greece. I am living here since 8
months. I am 29 years old man from Togo. I left my country for political reasons (political opinion). I was victim of torture and persecution, death threats…
I left my country because my life was in danger and I was living in total insecurity. Unfortunately, I am in a place that gives me the feeling that I am in a similar situation. Here I sleep in a small tent where the mice, cockroaches and head lice are threats me all year long: in summer and in winter. We live in total insalubrity. Even a Greek citizen would never accept that his pet sleep in such conditions. We are badly housed, malnourished, poorly treated. However, the Geneva Convention require the respect of international humanitarian law. Are the provisions of this Convention respected? Is that the humanitarianism? Is that love? At the very beginning, it was particularly hard for me; down here, I met children, young women and elderly people who died due to negligence.
In March, there was a strike her in the camp to ask for the improvement of the living conditions of the refugees and the acceleration of asylum application procedures. The strike was pacific but it ends in brawls and certain of the refugees among us were arrested and threatened to be sent back in their origin countries. Our voices are silenced; the comp of Samos is ghetto (open-air jail) where the law of the strongest reigns. Even certain NGO who are coming to help the migrants are non-welcome; some others NGO are doing their actions very discretely. The tourists are not allowed to visit the camp. The pictures are not allowed. Here it is difficult to be honest. The camp transform the refugees. It is a human time bomb.
The problem of the refugees is a high – level political problem. In the city (outside of the camp), we are victim of racist remarks. One day, I entered into a café and the owner put me out saying the he doesn’t want to have refugees in his bar. Only because of my status and the color of my skin, sad reality!!
I have to leave Samos one day, if it pleases God, for a safe destination, where my safety will be assured. I hope that these conditions will change one day, so we can reduce the delinquency and the violence in Europe, because a person who is badly housed and malnourished becomes a danger for the society and for herself.
I take to opportunity of this letter to launch a call to all NGO for the humanity and the basic
Today my biggest dream is to work for a NGO, I am ready even to work as a volunteer.
I would like to be a working tool to save the humanity.
Dag P. Dat is een indrukwekkende brief die jij geschreven hebt. Je komt uit een vreselijke situatie en je komt terecht in een vreselijke situatie! Vreselijk!
Ik hoop dat je je staande houdt ondanks alles wat je meemaakt!
groetjes Annemarie