Letter from Mister S.
I am introducing myself as being a refugee in the Samos Island.
We are living like prisoners in Africa.
This is not good.
We are human beings.
We want peace, a social life. There is no evacuation/ flush in the toilets.
There is no proper food as well.
Kenmerken: Frans, Samos
Dear Mr S.,
I am so sorry that you and fellow refugees live in these circumstances on Samos. This is not good at all. I am writing you to let you know that I sincerely hope that the situation will change for the better, and that you will be able to leave the Greek Islands. Probably not tommorow, maybe not in 2019, but things will change. For now, now that I and other people are thinking about you, and wish you well.
Take care,
Kike, the Netherlands