I am a refugee from the refugee camp from Samos.
I am writing to you in order to highlight our living conditions:
First al all, we are sleeping in bad conditions, together with rats and mice; insects are stinging us as and there are mosquitos and flies as well.
There are lots of bad smells, some people are forced to sleep in the woods in tents.
The hygiene facilities are not good. We are always getting sick all the time, and if we are required to visit the hospital, we are hardly given attention.
In order to have a doctor appointment, we need to go there for two weeks without getting in and having to sleep outside.
The files procedure at the asylum department is slow. Some of us did request it eight, nine months ago, even one and a half year, without still being freed from the camp.
For example, I am sick myself but I can’t get a doctor appointment.
Dear refugee from Samos.
I am glad I read your letter, because now I can write you a letter back.
So sad to know the situations are so dreadfull. This is not only in Samos, but in a lot of other camps also..
We send letters to our governments and went to greece last year. All to show the politicians what’s going on.
And we pray for you, for a better future.
It’s all we can do.
Sending you love.