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  1. Maria

    Dear writer,
    Thank you for writing this letter. I am so very sorry for the life you live. It’s heartbreaking to read your cry for help. Please know that there are a lot of people in the Netherlands who are praying for you. A lot of people who are hoping your life is getting better soon. That you will get a safe place to live. You are not forgotten. Don’t give up! May God bless you and give you strength to hold on.

  2. Rachel

    Dear author,

    It breaks my heart to read that your circumstances are so terrible. I wish you a sparkle of light in the darkness, warmth when you’re cold. I wish you love when you are separated from the ones you have in your heart. Love, when you undergo hateful language.
    It’s unbareble for you and for all the people you live with. Know that you, and the others, are in the hearts and minds of many people here! I wish you all the best and so much more!!!!

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