I live at Samos. My name is M. I come from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Life is very difficult here in the camp. People are suffering and sleep outside, we don’t eat well, we are badly treated due to local racism.
Please do something for the love of God because we are suffering so much.
I am living for one year here in the misery, we are sleeping in the woods like animals just because we left our country because of the war.
Waar is de flessenpost gevonden
Kenmerken: Frans, Samos
Dear M,
I am very sorry to read about your bad situation.
You left your country to be safe, and now you are in another very bad place.
I wish I could help you.
We tried to influence the governments, but they are very stubborn. It’s hard to see…
I pray for you and the others. I hope you can get out of the camp soon and make a better life for yourself.
Try to stay strong!
Best regards
Hi M,
I am sorry you are in such a bad place. You left the war in your country and now you are again in a bad place.
We talk to our government and the one in Greece but they seems to be deaf…
They can’t handle the situations and don’t know what to do.
I can pray for you. I hope you get in a safe place and make a beautiful future. Keep hoping and praying.