Dear reader,
My name is M. and I am from Ghana. Here we are suffering. I am 25 years old and I am in Greece since 2 months. I am alone in the camp of Santos. We were living outside but they brought us in a container, more than 100 people all mixed. I do not eat, but when I eat, I cannot go to the toilets. I cannot see the doctor before 3 months, even if I am sick. There is many people and even if you go to the big hospital, you cannot have an appointment before 4 months. In the camp, there are mice. If you have not finished your food, the mice are going to eat it and you can catch diseases. We have no choice. They asked us to leave the container to let the place to families but where are we going to sleep? This situation is not normal. If you suffers, you can not see the doctor. If you are about to die, you will die.
Normally, we should greet people to help them, with a happy heart and a happy mind. If the camps are full, they should be free for new migrants. You leave your own country because you risk to be killed, you risk also to be killed on the way and when you arrive here, the conditions are even worse than in your origin country. If the death comes and takes you it is much better than to continue this life.
I would like to go to a country where I could live in a normal way, without any risk to be killed. I would like to work to have a decent life.
Hi dear friend,
I am a 58 year old man from the Netherlands. I threw a bottle with your letter in it into the sea here and hope that someone else will find it on the beach and will read it too.
I am in contact with a lot of refugees who were allowed to come into this country last couple of years. I heard their stories and now I read yours too.
I already knew something about the very bad conditions over there. I hope you will not give up.
I and my friends will pray for you every day and hope that there will be a breakthrough as soon as possible.
Please do not give up dear friend. Hope to meet you sometime so you can have a good meal, shelter and people who care for you and give you right medical treatment and love.
Please promise me not to give up and pray for yourself and others around you too. Pray with eachother and in this critical situation: personally reach out to God himself. He will not forsake you if you do.
A lot of people in the Netherlands and others Europian countries are trying doing their best for you to bring your situation into public and more. We have to do it together, you over there and we over here.
Thank you for your handwritten personal letter, it really touched me.
You are in my mind and I love you.
I will pray for you.