Ik ben een vrouw uit Afghanistan met zeven kinderen waarvan de vader gesneuveld is. We wonen in een tent. We hebben problemen met te weinig eten. We hebben geen bankpas en geen geld. Ik vraag mensen en vooral betrokken organisaties om hulp.
Kenmerken: Athene, Farsi
Dear mother of 7,
How heavy your task must be: living with 7 children in a tent.
My condoleances for the loss of your husband. Very sad he is not with you.
I can hardly imagine how you can manage. I think you are a brave and strong woman.
I hope the authorities have taken better care of you now. Maybe you have gotten a house and a cashcard,for sure, to buy enough food. I hope your children can attend schools soon, and you will find rest and peace. Don’t despair, a solution will surely come.
Keep holding on!