In de naam van God.
Gegroet wereldorganisaties
Wij zijn vluchtelingen en verkeren in een zeer slechte situatie.
Ik smeek de wereldorganisaties om ons aandacht te geven. Ik heb zelf zes maanden op Moria kamp gewoond en nu woon ik al drie maanden op het kamp Malakasa.
Onze zaak krijgt geen behandeling. Er is geen zorg, geen bankpas, geen registratie.
Schenk hier alstublieft aandacht aan
Met respect A…….
Kenmerken: Athene, Farsi
Dear A,
I just read your story, and I hope with all my heart that your situation has improved since you wrote it. And that you can still cope with the hardship you face. It is Europe’s leaders who refuse to act humane. But there are many citizens who want to welcome you and wish you a decent and safe life. I do, and I hope you can hold on, till better days come.
Strength and love to you,
Dear A.,
How are you doing? Is you situation improved? I am afraid not.. and I feel so very sorry for you and all the refugees. Heartbreaking that we live in a world where this can happen. I wish you all the strength you need to overcome this. I will try to influence the politics in the best way for you and all the others.
Warm regards,