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  1. Anna

    Dear A.,

    Thank you for your letter. It’s good to shout out for help!
    We are people who are very caring for your situation and the circumstances you live in and we do the best we can…
    We help where we can, we write letters to politicians, we write letters to governments, I’ll post your letter on Facebook, tomake more people aware of your situation…
    I know your life is hard, I’ve seen it and I have friends like you.
    Please, think about people who fight for your rights here in Holland and in other countries, when you feel lost en allone…maybe it will give you some hope.
    I wish one day you will find rest and peace and a better life. It is a human right! Your right!


  2. Dini

    Dear A, Eventhough your life is so hard right now, ry to keep strong. Maybe you can ask NGO’s what you can do for them, While living there , find useful things to do, like sports or helping others. You might be able to learn things like a laguage or playing music. There will be better times in your future. I hope very soon. Keep holding on!!!
    Love Dini

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