Dear writer,
I am so sorry to hear about the situation is that you are living in. With your medical and psychological problems it must be very hard to carry on.
I hope you can be strong till things get better.
When I look up at the stars I think of all the people over there and hope that you all will be free and safe again.
All my best wishes to you!
Dear A.,
I am so sad and ashamed to hear about the conditions you have to live in from you and others. I am ashamed that the EU is allowing this to happen.
You do not deserve this.
Please don’t ever give up. Never stop believing you will have a better life some day. I hope that day will come soon!
Until that day, take good care of yourself and love yourself and others around you when you can. Our society should take good care of you, it hurts me that our governments don’t.
I have also suffered several depressions, mild to very deep. I also have other medical issues and I can not even begin to imagine what it must be like there for you with the medical care lacking so much. Once again, I am ashamed of the EU.
My country, the Netherlands, also is not doing enough. Appearantly, we have forgotten that our country suffered too not too long ago in WW2 and that many people helped us.
I am a third generation victim of WW2. My mother and her sister have been raised by WW2 victims and they were not able to connect to their kids because of their upbringing. Both my mom as her sister could not deal with being a mom and cut ties with their children after doing what they felt was their obligation. Especially my grandmother was very loving towards me, I guess loving the grandchildren did feel safe after all those years.
When you are there, in that better life, that is waiting for you, please don’t forget that you have been trough a lot. Far more than the human brain was made for. Don’t be ashamed, don’t believe you should not complain, please find help
Luckily, the human brain is also capable of recovering. I did EMDR trauma theraphy to recover from my trauma’s. It has changed my life.
I am now very happy, I have a husband and two children and my circumstances are, well, I think I’m very wealthy. I didnt dare to dream about this much happyness.
I’m not rich at all by the financial standards but I feel wealthy.
And I am making sure that the war stops with me.
Dont stop believing that a better future is there for you too.
It’s okay to take a break to rest after fighting hard but you have to get up again when you fall and break down. You can not give up.
Wishing you the very best,
Dear writer,
I am so sorry to hear about the situation is that you are living in. With your medical and psychological problems it must be very hard to carry on.
I hope you can be strong till things get better.
When I look up at the stars I think of all the people over there and hope that you all will be free and safe again.
All my best wishes to you!
Dear A.,
I am so sad and ashamed to hear about the conditions you have to live in from you and others. I am ashamed that the EU is allowing this to happen.
You do not deserve this.
Please don’t ever give up. Never stop believing you will have a better life some day. I hope that day will come soon!
Until that day, take good care of yourself and love yourself and others around you when you can. Our society should take good care of you, it hurts me that our governments don’t.
I have also suffered several depressions, mild to very deep. I also have other medical issues and I can not even begin to imagine what it must be like there for you with the medical care lacking so much. Once again, I am ashamed of the EU.
My country, the Netherlands, also is not doing enough. Appearantly, we have forgotten that our country suffered too not too long ago in WW2 and that many people helped us.
I am a third generation victim of WW2. My mother and her sister have been raised by WW2 victims and they were not able to connect to their kids because of their upbringing. Both my mom as her sister could not deal with being a mom and cut ties with their children after doing what they felt was their obligation. Especially my grandmother was very loving towards me, I guess loving the grandchildren did feel safe after all those years.
When you are there, in that better life, that is waiting for you, please don’t forget that you have been trough a lot. Far more than the human brain was made for. Don’t be ashamed, don’t believe you should not complain, please find help
Luckily, the human brain is also capable of recovering. I did EMDR trauma theraphy to recover from my trauma’s. It has changed my life.
I am now very happy, I have a husband and two children and my circumstances are, well, I think I’m very wealthy. I didnt dare to dream about this much happyness.
I’m not rich at all by the financial standards but I feel wealthy.
And I am making sure that the war stops with me.
Dont stop believing that a better future is there for you too.
It’s okay to take a break to rest after fighting hard but you have to get up again when you fall and break down. You can not give up.
Wishing you the very best,