hello Y,
Thank you for your letter. Your English is really advanced. Hopefully your situation has improved. Maybe you have left hotspot Leros? I do hope you have. What you describe seems very hard to bear. You have to be strong to tolerate this. I wish you and your loved ones a lot of strength to deal with this. Hopefully you can find support from each other. I wish I could free and help you in my country. I hope that European governments will take care of your destiny and offer you security. Try to speak and write a lot of English. That will certainly help you in the future with your studies. Hold on, I’m sorry I can do so little, just send you love and courage.
hello Y,
Thank you for your letter. Your English is really advanced. Hopefully your situation has improved. Maybe you have left hotspot Leros? I do hope you have. What you describe seems very hard to bear. You have to be strong to tolerate this. I wish you and your loved ones a lot of strength to deal with this. Hopefully you can find support from each other. I wish I could free and help you in my country. I hope that European governments will take care of your destiny and offer you security. Try to speak and write a lot of English. That will certainly help you in the future with your studies. Hold on, I’m sorry I can do so little, just send you love and courage.