Belaal Alwaheb.
We slapen op de grond, en we lopen moeilijk. We zitten in een tent, en het water loopt ook naar binnen. Hier er is geen vrijheid en weinig eten en slapen.
Als iemand ziek is, is er geen arts.
Kenmerken: Arabisch, Lesbos
The circumstances you are living in are inhumane. It is such a big shame that Europe does this to people who fled war and violence. You deserve to live in a safe place.
I hope you can leave very soon
Hello, I feel so sorry for what you are going through on Lesbos! The despair and loneliness you feel is too incredible to describe. I dearly hope you are released from the camp before the beginning of 2020. That would be iconic: a good resolution from the Greek authorities to allot a much better, safer, more hospitable places with a durable perspective. This week, I read in a Dutch newspaper that the Greek authorities have decided to evict several camps on the Greek islands followed by relocation of hundreds of refugees (because many camps have gotten too overcrowded). Unfortunately, the article did not make clear whether the new locations will provide considerably better accommodation. But at least this is a glimpse of hope for people like you who definitely deserve a far better future.
I wish I could help you on location but that is virtually not manageable, because I live about 3000 kilometres from you. I am so terribly sorry for that!
But hopefully I encourage you by telling that I frequently donate money to refugee aid organizations which are also active on Lesbos. Furthermore, I recently encountered a young woman from Syria who had forcibly resided for a couple of years on one of the heavily neglected Greek camps. But against all odds, she succeeded in granting a green card which enabled her to fly to Amsterdam where she has been endorsed to stay in considerable safety for the time being. She looked very good despite all the atrocities she had been through for years.
Hopefully, her happy ending is an example for you too!
Anyway, all the best to you. My heart is with you!