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  1. Carina

    My dear K.
    My heart breaks and I cry…I know you probably don’t want that. But your story touches me so deeply in my heart…you are so young…you have almost the same age as my daughter…
    I wish I could hold you in my arms for a very long time. I wish I could promiss you that soon eveeything will be better for you. I wish I could give you everything you need…
    But I can’t…unfortunately I can’t. And that makes me feel desperate. Cause it is your right to have a safe place, a home, good and healthy food and people who love you…
    Dear K. you write ‘ I know you don’t love refugees’. Please, don’t think like that! It’s not true! There are a lot of people who do love refugees, who do love all kind of people! No matter which country you are from! Please believe me! And say to yourself that there are a lot of people who love you.
    I love you, although I don’t know you.
    Keep having faith. You are so worth it!
    Love, Carina

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