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  1. Gemma

    Dear boy from Afghanistan,

    I am sorry that you do not get answers and that you have to wait so long. I don’t know if the UN is going to do something. Also the European union does not seem to take any steps to resolve the problems you have. There are people who want to influence the EU and enforce human asylum policies. We have to hope that this will happen soon. I imagine what your situation is like, and that must be terrible. Nobody listening to you. No prospect of a quick reunification with your wife. Yet you must try keep hope and trust that everything will turn out fine. I wish I could promise you it was tomorrow or rather yesterday, but unfortunately you have to wait patiently in these terrible circumstances. I hope you can handle it. I’m sure you can do it. It is not your fault…It is the unfair system.
    You are being thought of here, I hope and pray that everything will soon turn to good. hold on!


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