Ik woon hier sinds 2 jaar. Ik wil graag dood. Ik heb hun gevraagd om me weer naar Syrië te sturen, maar ze zeggen nee. Ik wil graag dood.
Kenmerken: Arabisch, Lesbos
Lees Interacties
I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you will find a nice and safe place where you can feel happy again. And I hope you will finally be able to build a new life in Europe or in Syrie.
Keep hope! We think about you and we will pray for you.
Dear M, I am so sad to hear your story. By reading it, I hope to comfort you a little. I also will share this website with my friends so that more people hear of your terrible living circumstances. I pray for you and I also vote for a political party that finds your situtation important and will do all their best to help you. Love, Fieke
I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you will find a nice and safe place where you can feel happy again. And I hope you will finally be able to build a new life in Europe or in Syrie.
Keep hope! We think about you and we will pray for you.
best regards, ingrid
Dear M, I am so sad to hear your story. By reading it, I hope to comfort you a little. I also will share this website with my friends so that more people hear of your terrible living circumstances. I pray for you and I also vote for a political party that finds your situtation important and will do all their best to help you. Love, Fieke
Please, keep faith. Eventhough it is hard to believe, change will come. You are are beautiful and valuable. Don’t give up now!!!