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  1. Eli

    Dear S.
    I read your letter with tears in my eyes.
    I understand your life was very difficult and is still difficult.

    It’s hard to read about your backpain and your troubles with surgery.

    I wish I could help you to get out of there.
    But the world is a struggle for you., and I am far away and cannot really help you.

    Only to tell you that I will pray for you.
    Only to tell you that we try to change the way politics works.
    Only to tell you to hold on for your children.
    Only to tell you to keep your eyes on the future.

    I send you love and hope


  2. Pauline

    Dear S,
    Thank you for writing a letter.
    You seem to me like a brave man and a loving father. I feel very sorry for the situation you and your children are in. I hope you will get the operation soon and that your back won’t hurt anymore. I wish you will be granted asylum and that your son and daughter can attend school, like every child should.
    Give them a big hug from a Dutch lady.
    All the best to you,

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