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  1. Christi

    Your drawing says it all.
    Your horrible journey, your fear, your loss, your terrifying moments.
    The things you went through must have been horific.

    I don’t have words for you.
    Only to stay strong, please look forward. You get to a better place. I will pray for you.

    Wish you love.

  2. Evelien

    Dear artist,
    Your drawing is very intense. I am so sorry you had to experience this horror.
    Did people drown that day? I hope everybody was saved.
    The eye in the sky cries big tears about what is happening. It makes me cry too.
    I see the dolphins swimming near to help. Like a sign of hope.
    Like the volunteers who help on the ground. And the politicians who work for change.
    If you are in Moria, may your stay will end very soon.
    I pray you can go to a safe place Don’t lose hope!

    from the Netherlands

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