From Syria, unmarried, and my age is 31. I live with my mother and brother. My brother and I take care of my mother as she is of old age and needs to be taken care of. However, in regards to our living conditions, we live in a refugee camp. Anyone that would want to explain how living here is, must experience living here themselves in real life. I can summarize living here with the word ‘camp’, and every person can imagine what that means. I wish to travel some place in this world that respects humanity and respects human rights. I wish to to live in peace and safety in a place in this world far away from problems, wars and hunger. Note: when we were young, it was our sole dream to travel to western countries to see civilization and architectural development and how they live with respect towards each other. In regards to the future, we can build it with help of friends and people that respect the word ‘human’. Many thanks to every person who reads my words and feels them as if they are living them in real life. Thanks.
Dear Syrian refugee,
By reading many letters, hearing story’s and seeing photographs, I can imagine the hell you live in. I think I could never endure life there. I think I would die. But maybe I could find the strength to go on, like you do. I really respect you for it and for taking care of your mother too. It must be so hard in a place like that.
I am ashamed for the western country’s where you once thought so highly of.
You fled from war and violence and then were put in hellhole Moria. It is unbelievable.
They deny you your human rights which is unforgiveable.
Our governments in Europe will hopefully soon come to their senses and open the borders.
I hope you will find that peaceful place where you can make a warm home with your mother and brother. Stick to that dream! Try to hold on till better days come. May it be very soon!
Maybe once you ‘ll visit the Netherlands,
Good luck,