Beste lezer,
Ik ben A.. Ik ben 36 jaar. Ik kom uit Syrië/ Alrakah. Ik ben getrouwd en ik heb 6 kinderen. Ik was verbaasd van de situatie in het kamp Moria. Het is erg druk hier. Er is geen steun, zorg, eten of leven. Ik hoop dat jullie naar ons kijken. Alles wat ik wil isdat ik in een veilig land kan leven zonder oorlog.
Waar is de flessenpost gevonden
Kenmerken: Arabisch, Lesbos
Dear A,
I hope you are in Moria with your wife and children? That’s the best, to be with your family.
Yes, Moria is overcrowded. There are to many refugees and to little volonteers. It’s very difficult for them to help everybody. Iam very sorry for you (and your family).
Greece is a safe country but in Moria you are not really free, I know.
But this is not for ever.
Someday you and your family can leave Moria and make you own live.
But for now I wish you strenght to keep up and hold on, for your family and yourself.
We talk and write to politicians to change the situations in Greece camps.
I send you love, hope and prayers.