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  1. Carina

    Dear sister,
    The first thing I want to say is that I want to embrace you and take all your sorrows away…but unfortunately I can’t.
    I am speechless about the cruelty you have been trough. My heart cries for you.

    The only thing I can do is post your letter on Facebook, so more people will read it and become aware of all the suffering you and 10.000’s of other people are facing.

    I also can tell you that in Holland we do everything we can to convince the government to help all the refugees.
    In the meantime we ourselves do the best we can to help where ever we can.

    I send you lots of love and positive energy, my sister.
    Keep having faith and please keep writing! The world needs to know about your cruel story and the world needs to get to know you as a writer!

    I embrace you.

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