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  1. Saskia

    Dear M,

    Thank you for sharing your story with me. My name is Saskia. I am 31 years and 4 months. I have received your letter at an event in Amsterdam. I attended this event because I want to do more to help you, and other people who are going through the same things as you. I hope you will read my reply on this website.

    As I read the first few lines of your letter, I realised that in about a month, you will have been in Greece for a year. As I continued reading, I realised just how difficult this time must have been for you. Even within the camp, having to move from place to place when sick… I have a lot of respect for your strength. I hope I can encourage and warm you a bit with this reply.

    I wonder what kind of person you are. You have told me much about your situation in Samos. Thank you for this. I hope you also have things that you like to do. Maybe football? Writing? Singing? I find that when I feel bad, doing something I like helps me to take my mind off the bad things. I hope you can do the same.

    I would also like you to know I am trying my best to make your situation better. Every month, I give money to the Boat Refugee Foundations so they can directly help you and other people in the refugee camps. I go to protests and events to show our government that they need to do more to help you. Soon, I will write a personal letter and send it to a politician, asking to help you.

    I’m doing everything I know to help you and other people like you in the Greek refugee camps. I wanted you to know that. That there are a lot of people like me who have not forgotten about you. We keep trying to bring about change.

    Until then, M, I wish you strength. I wish you good health, and friends to help you in the camps. I wish you restful nights, and a peaceful mind.

    Perhaps, when you read this reply, you can also wish me straighten. Strength to keep trying to help you and other people in the camps. And maybe you can wish strength to the people in the camp helping you and others. It would make me very happy if you would want to do this for me.

    Kind regards,


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